schizophrenia and psychosis feature image schizophrenia and psychosis disorders cropped feature image

Richard Dadd, The Fairy Feller'sMaster-Stroke

Schizophrenia and Psychosis

These commentaries depict an asylum, parricide, psychotic prodrome, and recovery from a psychotic episode.


The Starry Night (La Nuit Etoilée)

Vincent van Gogh

Recovery from drug-induced psychotic episode
November 2002

A Rake's Progress: "Bedlam"

William Hogarth

Depiction of patients with psychosis in a mental hospital
April 2003

The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke

Richard Dadd

Parracide/delusional beliefs
June 2004

The Würgengel

Franz Karl Bühler

Psychotic terror
October 2006

Dulle Griet

Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Misuse of Kretchmer's constitutional types
June 2011

Come Unto These Yellow Sands

Richard Dadd

Prodrome to psychosis
March 2012

Cunningham Dax Collection

Melbourne, Australia

Delusional beliefs
December 2014