William Kurelek, All Things Betray Thee Who Betrayest Me
Finding Meaning: Beliefs, Spirituality, and Art
This series of commentaries examines the belief systems of artists and expressions of spirituality in their work. It begins in the Paleolithic era and progresses to myths, specific religious beliefs, and psychological interpretations of them.
All Things Betray Thee Who Betrayest Me
Importance of religious conversion in course of psychiatric illness
November 2004
Composition VI
Male abstract spirituality expressed in art
June 2007
Female personal spirituality expressed in art
July 2007
Bernagchen Mahakala
Protective deity in Tibetan Buddhism
February 2009
Hagia Sophia (Divine Wisdom)
The iconoclasts and iconophiles debate on the meaning of religious images
April 2009
Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida
Perils of narcissistic pact with evil
July 2009
Cattleya Orchid and Three Brazilian Hummingbirds
Charles Darwin's spiritual crisis and evolutionary theory
November 2009
The Virgin of the Rocks
Freud's psychobiography of Leonardo da Vinci
December 2009
Pygmalion in Love With His Statue
Pygmalion's prayer to Venus
February 2010
Portrait of Galileo Galilei
Confrontation about science with the Catholic Church
August 2010
The Supper at Emmaus
Biblical story about the transition from astonishment to belief in Christianity
December 2010
Portrait of Rudolf II as Vertumnus
Seeking the alchemical Philosopher's Stone
May 2011
Alchemist Sendivogius and Sigismund III Vasa
Role of alchemy in early science
August 2011
Panel of Horses
Paleolithic art and the beginnings of human efforts to find meaning
September 2011
Australian Rock Art: The Giant Wallaroo Site
Aboriginal creation myths and rock art
October 2011
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Finding personal meaning in life
November 2011
The Trinity
The importance of the Christian icon in the ending of communism in Soviet Russia
December 2011
Man at the Crossroads
Socialist realist art contrasting democracy and communism
April 2012
The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed With the Sun
Illustration of a prophecy in the Biblical Book of Revelations
August 2012
Olive Trees in a Mountainous Landscape
Seeking to find religious consolation in art
Octtober 2012
The Penitent Magdalene
An exploration of the role of the feminine in religious belief and in archetypal psychology
December 2012
Joan of Arc
Religious calling and sacrifice
January 2013
An examination of evil following the Nazi era
July 2013
Lives of the Buddha: Vessantara the Charitable Prince
The perfection of generosity in the last life of the Buddha
December 2013
Before and After
Satirizing and celebrating materialism and celebrity
January 2014
Carnival of the Harlequin
Expressions of transcendent joy
March 2014
The Last Supper (Dove)
Pop art, commercialism, and religion in the 20th century
April 2014
The Head of Medusa
Mythological beliefs in the Greek and Roman eras
June 2014
The Miracles of St Ignatius of Loyola
Charcot's claim about the relationship of grand hysteria to paintings that show an exorcism
August 2014
Images of Modern Evil
An examination of the effects of wartime on public morals
September 2014
White Crucifixion
Response to the Nazis condemnation of the Jewish people
October 2014
St Catherine of Siena
Self-starvation as a psychiatric disorder and as a medieval religious practice
November 2014